My tooth is all better now - I had to have an emergency root canal. The thing is: the root canal felt soooo good after dealing with all that pain. What was not good was having to cancel my classes thus pushing back my exams a week. (Lord knows I'm not going to re-write a whole exam!!) Being a professor can be hard work ;-)
I wish I could say I got in a great run once I got back from my mini-vaca, but I didn't. I have come down with some sort of illness - no, not 2009 H1N1, it's likely just an upper respiratory infection. I brought box of tissues to work with me today - my students looked at me like I was a whack job when I set it down on the podium. I was up there hacking and sneezing and wheezing while talking about sexuality and reproduction in art. This wasn't one of my note worthy lectures, that's for sure.
So all I can do with this blog is plan. I am going to let the blog world in on a little secret of mine: I'm thinking about running in the Cleveland Half Marathon! I really want to get my mileage up and the thought of running through my hometown excites me. (I live in Akron now, but I was born on bred in the west-side suburbs of Cleveland.) I have a long way to go, but this is something I really want to do. I figure I have until February to work on getting up my weekly mileage then I can begin a training plan. The only flaw - this means training in northeast Ohio during some seriously shit weather.
It can't be that bad... can it?
Actually, it can be that bad. But you get used to it. Feel better and get back out there. Cleveland is only seven months away! Cheers!