Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rosalie Recommends!

I have decided that I need a weekly installment for my blog. Every Wednesday to spruce up your mid-week hump day I will post a Rosalie Recommends! In this weekly blog I will include five items I find worthy of discussing.

The first item will relate to running or biking in some manner; don't expect these items to always be traditional, I'm going to take a lot of liberties here!

The second will have to do with food. I love food, I love to cook and I love to eat - I just want to share the wealth.

Item no. 3 will relate to shopping - perhaps a good cheap find or something I just realized I absolutely couldn't live without.

I like to read so the fourth item will be a book recommendation. There's only one problem with this - I have a tendency not to finish books. I'll get about 3/4 of the way through... then .... well.... I hope to recommend books I've read all the way through, but I make no promises.

And for the final item, it's anything goes!

So enough of the explanation, here's the blog!

Rosalie Recommends!

You can find some great deals on running apparel here. Shorts for $5, shirts for $10. I've never had any shipping or billing issues. The only caveat - shop fast. I've put things in my shopping cart that are gone by the time I check out!!

2. Mayonnaise
So yeah, I love mayo. If it were socially acceptable, I'd dip my french fries in it. I know it's not the healthiest, but since it's one of my favorite condiments, it had the be the first food I recommend. I've even been known to make my own. Need a recipe, click here. I like it on pizza too. Now before you all go running to hurl in buckets - I'm not the only one. If it's good enough for Bill Rodgers it's good enough for me!

I love to plan and be organized. I have always had a super hard time finding a planner/organizer the suites my needs ... but not anymore! These organizers are amazing. You can make them work just about any way you need them to. I highly recommend for all of you super organized freaks like me out there!

This book might not be for everyone, it's in the metaphysical section at Borders, but it's one of my favorites. When I need to find focus I turn to this book. It's calming and inspiring - just makes me feel like life is going the way it is for a reason. It's short and a fast read, so give it a look see.

I love Taco Bell, I could eat it nearly every day and not get sick of it. (And no, I don't put mayo on my burritos.) The bean burrito really is a thing of beauty, so tasty and so good. Now before you go knocking fast food, just consider that the bean burrito really isn't that bad for you. At 370 calories, 10 grams of fat (3.5 saturated and 0 trans fat), 11 grams of fiber and 14 grams of protein, you just can't beat that with a stick! The only downer, 1,270 mg of sodium, so don't go overboard with the burrito goodness!

I hope you find my recommendations helpful, and at the least - interesting!


  1. I'll cave to Taco Bell. Mayonnaise is still gross.

  2. I throw caution to teh wind and dip my fries in mayo all teh time...The trainer from the gym was sitting next to me at lunch and afterwards came up and said in a disapproving tone, "I saw those fries and mayo on your plate today..." So I asked him, "Did you also see the 12 miles I ran yesterday?" Silence...

  3. don't people in holland dip their fries in mayo? somebody does. too much fat for me.

  4. I feel like hell just froze over...I have to agree with Viper on this one. Mayo is disgusting. But Taco Bell bean burritos are awesome! So cheap and so filling.

    You'd fit right in in England. People smother their fries (chips) in mayo all the time here.

  5. OK, mayois disgusting, Taco Bell is awesome, and THANK YOU for the recommendation on The Sports Authority Outlet. Oh! And love The Alchemist.

    I like your Rosalie Recommends spot..alot! Keep it up:)

  6. Love The Alchemist. Love Crown Bindery - got myself a binder from there and made my own day planner - I love it.

    French Fries in mayo is a delicious treat - and even here in Canada is quite common. Lots of people I know order McChicken sauce on the side to dip fries into.
