Now that I've gotten myself going again... what to expect.
Hell if I know. I've been trying to find some inner peace as of late - the stress of thesis deadlines is really starting to get to me and the semester starts this week. With more students than last semester I'm anxious and after a month and some odd days off I'm strangely nervous to get in front of the classroom again. I haven't set any running goals yet because I fear a goal overload. I have teaching goals and thesis goals and graduation goals and health/weight goals... and now running goals?
Seriously. Can a person have too many goals? This zen blog says so, but is that really my only option - one at a time?
So I am soliciting the help of this online community of running crazies. What do you think? Can I make multiple goals for myself without going nuts and short circuiting? How do you handle stress and getting multiple tasks/goals (i.e. thesis, work, running) done? And please remember, I'm one of those annoying perfectionist types. Damn my need to always be awesome.
I'll take all the help I can get!
I just had to post of pic of Dobson the wonder puppy! :-) Four months old and he's nearly 40 pounds!